
Another Short Story Published

 Short story number 37 has just been published. Ever hear the phrase 'cognitive dreaming'. The concept is that we live in the reality we create, so through dreams, you may create another. Of course, I owe Writers Under The Arch St. Louis for their usual strong help. 
What about the blog name? Airships refers to Odeille and the Sisters of the Sky. Consternation? Chris Bauer has accumulated 35 paid short fiction publishing credits, all Twilight Zone-ish stories. For example, killer squirrels in Winter of Her Discontent, or flying monkeys in Quality Assurance, or people hearing the opposite of what you say in Say the Wrong Thing. While Odeille is going thru final critique, 16 of my favorite published short stories (all rights reverted to me) are being assembled for self-publishing. I'll be back (said with an Austrian accent).

Odeille and the Sisters of the Sky

Odeille and the Sisters of the Sky , complete at 75 thousand words, is a mix of Alternative History and Steampunk. The Louisiana Purchase never happened. It’s the year 1854. Napoleon’s descendants rule half of North America as New France, and Babbage’s analytical engines are in common use. The novel is well-grounded in realistic technology and historical plausibility, like to The Difference Engine by Gibson and Sterling and Napoleon in America by Selin.